Wednesday, March 19, 2008

rushing ...

I smiled when I read yoga gumbo's blog this morning - why am I online! Well, I'm online coz I'm at work and since I've achieved something I have been struggling with for ages (a 3-level CSS navigation menu) I've got a bit of space to hang out! But I'm flying to Sydney tomorrow. Haven't done any packing yet, and I'm still intending to go to choir practice tonight. So before I go out tonight I've got to somehow pack without my cat seeing me doing this! Not easy - specially when I have no idea what I'm going to take! Then go off to choir practice 45 minutes drive away. Then tomorrow morning I've got to get Miss Mieke Pussycat into her carry-box, leave the house by 7am, drop said pussycat off at the pet motel, and then get to the airport parking place by 8.30am. A big ask ... So I really better not imagine I can get my laptop out at home tonight!

Despite all my whinging about colds (which I've still got!) I managed to get to yoga on the weekend. So glad I did - it was wonderful. Haven't managed to do any more since then because I'm still not feeling 100% and am doing my best to 'be sensible' and look after myself. But I'm taking my mat with me to Sydney (well, country NSW) and hope to be able to give it a go down there.

I'm also feeling a bit ashamed of myself, making such a big deal about what is really, just a cold, albeit a nasty one. I think I need to try and ease myself back from this health obsession! I know it's all understandable and everything, but still - I need to get a reality check about what I'm getting upset about! Save it up for something that deserves being upset about!


Yogamum said...

Well, I'm glad you're online! I like hearing what you're up to -- hope you feel better soon!


designer : anniebluesky :

graphics : VLADSTUDIO :