Thursday, March 6, 2008

This post needs a title but I don't know what it is!!

Finally made it to yoga last Saturday. It was wonderful to be there - once again apologies and explanations to the teachers for this being my 3rd re-start!! I really noticed my lack of strength. By the time I'd done 5 Surya Namaskar As and then 3 Bs, I had to stop (the Surya Namaskars I mean)! My shoulders were really tired from being in downdog. I can't remember that happening since the days when I first started ... ! Anyway, I did all of standing, and then some finishing. Not doing shoulderstand yet but am doing that 'legs up the wall' pose - can't remember what it's called Like a more passive shoulderstand I guess.

And so far this week I've done one practice at work at lunchtime. (Didn't go as far!) Tomorrow I should be able to do another one. So that'll mean I'll have practiced 3 times this week. I guess it's a start !!!

Yesterday after work I went to my (cranial) osteopath. She got really excited because she said my body told her what treatment she should give me!! Whatever that means, it feels good now. And then on to choir practice. I'm only staying for about half of that at the moment, leaving at 8.30pm. If I stayed till it finishes normally, 9.30pm, I wouldn't get home till after 10pm and I think that's a bit too late for me at the moment! Oh I'm having to mollycoddle myself so much these days ...



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