Thursday, January 31, 2008

new beginnings ...

Yeay - my back is better! I managed to get a cancellation appt with my osteopath yesterday morning, and she definitely fixed it this time! (fingers still crossed after saying that!) Today I decided to start doing lunch-hour yoga again. I'm going to (probably) keep going to class one day a week and will do whatever of my 1st series practice feels right to do; but the rest of the time I think I'm going to take it incredibly slowly and build it up (from a very slow start!)

Of course I have all these plans and ideas and things will probably change, but that's where I am now!!

And - depending on what the doctor says next week, I may well start to think about putting this blog to sleep (hopefully forever from the point of view of me having to write about my cancer journey!), and going back to my original one. But we shall see ... :)



designer : anniebluesky :

graphics : VLADSTUDIO :