Thursday, July 12, 2007

2nd post from hospital ...

(hooray - finally I can put in a title properly!!)

So, I've been here for 3 days. 3 day of chemo being pumped into my veins (poor veins, but all in a good cause!) I'm actually attached to 2 drips 24 hours a day. One is continual - something called Mesna which is to protect my kidneys from the ravages of the chemo. And the other is the chemo for 2 lots of 3 hours in every 12 hours, and otherwise saline. The treatment lasts till Saturday - 5 days (the actual chemo didn't start till Tuesday). Then I have to hang around in hospital for another week or so till my white blood cell count comes up enough for my specialist to let me escape for a week!

I have 2 sisters living in London and Dublin. One is a nurse (London) and the other a medical research doctor (Dublin). Both are demanding lots of medical details so I will try and satisfy you! But not having a medical background myself I don't keep many of the details in my head. Although I already know a lot more about cancer and lymphoma and non-Hodgkins lymphoma than I ever did (or wanted to!)

And for yoga people - I'm busily eyeing up the room working out where I can put my mat down when I come back for the 2nd cycle. I won't be able to do much in the first week when I'm hooked up, but hopefully in the 2nd week I should be able to - depending on how I feel I guess. The doctor told me that the 2nd (and 4th and 6th) cycles are more intense in that they target the bone marrow, and so I am reasonably likely to get a fever some time in the 2nd week of those cycles.

Right now I'm still feeling fine overall. I'm having trouble sleeping - that's because of the steroids I have to take every day while the chemo happens (10 tablets)! As I lay awake at 3am this morning I had the happy thought that perhaps as well as keeping me awake, maybe they'd be building up my muscle mass as well! But alas, not!! No good side-effects that I can see!! I can't imagine how anyone could want to take them!! Apparently my iron levels are down too, but not enough to have to get a haemaglobin transfusion.

And putting on weight - when I read that YC put on 10 pounds when she had her chemo I was horrified - after all the effort I put in at WeightWatchers a couple of years ago to lose 30 kilos. Well, they weight me every morning and I've put on a kilo each time!! Today I came down a bit but ... I am promised it's all the fluid dripping into me. Did you know that a litre equals a kilo in body weight?!! And they will make sure I lose it all again!!

And I promised Roy (in response to his comment) that I'd tell you about the presents (see 1st post), or lack of them!! I thought I was so together last week writing lists and putting things to bring with me in piles on the bedroom floor. Then on Sunday when I packed my bag I put it and my clothes on the bed, packed them all, looked at the list I had written (at the beginning of the week - things like phone charger, ipod charger, internet connection) and packed them. And totally ignored the bag of carefully chosen presents, the Pride & Prejudice DVD, Evening Primrose Oil capsules, radio alarm clock, etc etc - which had been in full view, and which I had stepped over to get my clothes!! Anyway, my cousin is going out to my place (45 minutes drive) to pick them up for me today - thanks Audrey!!

This is getting long - I'm gonna stop now ... I'm so glad Julie has put this onto the Ashtangi.NET blog list - I'll try to post about yoga too, and not let the medical stuff take over completely! Because I really don't want it to take over my life!! And like I said on the ashtanga board, I want to go back to my other blog and leave this one when the NHL has left me!!



Yoga Chickie said... are amazing for handling your chemo in this fashion - blogging about it, and most of all, for just bleeping doing it. I can tell you from my experience that it was sometimes hard to get myself to go at all. I never missed one, but apparently, many do. Make sure they treat you like a human in the hospital, not like a piece of meat. Make sure they introduce themselves when they enter the room. You would be suprised how many medical people walk right in and just start going to work on you without even saying, "Hello, my name is blank and I am here to blank you."

Much love and well wishes,


(0v0) said...

Good to see you here, Susie. No need to post about asana practice until the time comes, of course. You're really amazing.

Sending love....

crankyhausfrau said...

Susie! so glad to see you posting here! lots of love and light being sent your way! I have a dear friend from childhood who was diagnosed with non hodgkins and is in perfect health post treatment! with your wonderful attitude, you will come through!

Yogamum said...

Lots of love and good wishes for you! I say don't weigh yourself at all. It's out of your hands. As they say, it's all fluid and you will lose it, so why worry about one more thing.


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